“Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximize their own performance.”
The key to real change is in developing the right mindset, habits and behaviours for the business and life that you want.
That sounds simple.
But simple is not always easy.
You may have an existing lifetime of habits, thoughts, beliefs and values, that may no longer necessarily serve you. They may not even be your own values or beliefs, we all have parental, peer and societal, conditioning and influences.
Also, what you stop valuing, believing and doing, could be as important, as what you start doing.
How I can help
- Stay focused, calm and on task, at all times
- Build real confidence and resilience
- Manage impostor syndrome
- Set clear and healthy boundaries
- Focus on values
- Raise standards
- Manage resistance to change
How I can help
- Eliminate busy work and focus on value creation
- Improve communication and accountability
- Set realistic goals and deliver on them
- Consistently deliver and demonstrate clarity on the mission and values
- Ensure the team dynamics work for the organisation
We live in a distracted world.
We are constantly bombarded by digital technologies, media, marketing, task, targets and people!
As psychiatrist, Dr Daniel Amen states 'there is a dopamine heist going down on a global scale'. No wonder people cannot focus.
Get crystal clear on your business and personal values, high value tasks and reduce or eliminate 'busy work', people pleasing meetings and communications.
Coaching with Innate Focus will give you the right tools, structure and support you need.
Unmanaged persistent chronic stress leads to chronic disease.
Poor diet, excessive processed foods, sugar, alcohol and other toxic substances create stressful inflammatory responses in the body.
Chronic disease is very serious and if it reaches a tipping point, there is no way back.
Simple good lifestyle habits can make a significant difference.
The positive benefit is that simple changes can really drive great performance, allowing you to thrive with energy and focus.
How I can help
- Manage stress well
- Optimise nutrition
- Practice good sleep hygiene
- Reduce unhelpful or addictive behaviours
- Manage sugar, caffeine, alcohol & other toxic or inflammatory substances
- Improve stamina, strength & flexibility
One to One coaching is a bespoke programme, tailored to your individual needs. No two humans are the same. We all have different needs, and importantly, learning and processing styles.
A face to face short term plan may work for one person, whereas, a medium term virtual short session format may work for another.
We all have different daily demands and obligations, our packages are designed for you, to work around and to fit in with your life.
Our FREE discovery session is a good foundation to assess your requirements.
Coaching is a non-judgemental collaborative process based on taking considered actions today to create a positive future tomorrow.
Coaching is not counselling, therapy or a substitute for the appropriate medical support.
The ICF defines coaching as 'partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.'
If you feel to want to make a change, but you are not sure how to do it, then coaching could be for you...
Coaching is a partnership based on mutual trust, a confidential arrangement between client and coach.
We adhere to strong ethical and professional guidelines and strict client confidentiality in our relationship and agreement.
We believe in potential.
It is a mindset that that facilities enquiry and attention.
As we work with you to unlock hidden capabilities, talents and possibilities, our approach is always considered and respectful.